
Our calendar is updated at least twice weekly. Check back for the most current info.

Use the tabs to filter by event type and click the calendar links for more information

To see all races in a convenient list click on the race planner tab below.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
  1 2

Ironman Quelle Roth

3 4

4th of July 5k Run/Walk

Will Rogers/Palisades 5k/10k

5 6

Aquathlon Nationals

Pdr Thursday Evening Series

7 8

Diabetes Dash

USAT Nationals


Carlsbad Triathlon

Bicycle John'S Acton Duathlon & 5k

Bicycle John'S Acton Duathlon & 5k

Santa Cruz Triathlons

10 11 12 13 14 15

Eppie's Great Race

Camp Pendleton Tri


Mtn Man Triathlons

New York City Triathlon

Keep L.A. Running 5k/10k & 10mi /20mi. Bike

Hudson Valley Tri/Bi

Gay Games Chicago Triathlon

Alcatraz Aquathlon

17 18 19 20

Pdr Thursday Evening Series

21 22

Columbus Triathlon(s)

Abbotsford Triathlon


Boulder Peak Tri

Ironman Lake Placid

Lake Stevens 70.3

New Jersey State Triathlon

W. Sacramento Tri

Playa Del Run #4

Playa Del Run Aquathlon

24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Vineman Half Ironman

Solana Beach Tri & Duathlon

San Francisco Marathon

Philadelphia Tri


NYC Triathlon