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LA 13.1 2010
Jan 2010 - LATCers were out in force for the inagural LA Half Marathon

Jan First Thursday - West 4th & Jane
Santa Monica - Jan 2010 - The first First Thursday socials of the year... over 125 members came out to West 4th & Jane for a beer and to say HAPPY NEW YEAR to kick off the upcoming season. O.N.E. beverages were in the house... our new sponsor!! Yum!

Hills Series informational meeting... 2009, leading into the 2010 season... over 80 ladies came out to listen up about what we have in store for the upcoming year.

120509. 200 LA Tri Clubbers gathered at the Marriott in Marina del Rey to celebrate the year... and hand out awards to member-stand-outs. Thank you to everyone who celebrated the season with us! Congratulations to all Member and Speedster award winners!!

LA Sports Massage Foam Rolling Clinic
Nov 2009 - put on a Foam Rolling clinic at

10 Yr Anniversary Kit
Our 2010 Anniversary Kit will be avaliable for 2010 only. Please visit and click on STORE to shop.

Sept First Thursday - Culver City
In Sept. Happy Hour went to RUSH STREET in Culver City. Plenty of gang was there for happy hour social. These events are always open to both members and non-members.

Santa Barbara Tri
2009 - A popular race since it's so close to LA, and such a beautiful course. Over 200 clubbers traveled North for this annual event.

Aug. First Thursday Long Beach
LA Tri Club, with over 1,600 members, has pockets everywhere! Long Beach is no exception. Members there gathered with friends for Happy Hour in Aug.

LATC First Thursday Century City
August first thursday social in Century City attracted over 100 members and friends at Ummba Grill.

Santa Barbara Training Wkend
A few dozen LATCers headed North for a little training on the Santa Barbara Triathlon course. SB is a very popular race for the club. Thank you for coaching during this weekend of training!