Latest Albums

LA Tri Club MaccaX Training Camp 2015
We had a blast having 2X Ironman World Champion Chris "Macca" McCormack in town training and racing with members of LA Tri Club. Macca is a true stand out in our sport and we were happy to have him spend time with us.

Nautica Malibu Triathlon 2015 - Classic
The Classic race is always a favorite for our members with all the Celeb's racing. This year we had the Boarder Grill Taco Truck for our members only. Now that's Classic!! :)

Nautica Malibu Triathlon 2015 - International
We had a strong showing this year with a ton of members on the Podium. Go LATC!!

Mucho Gusto "Mellow" Yellow Vase Ride
Mucho Gusto "Mellow" Yellow Vase Ride around PV. Great Ride with over 100 clubbers!

Santa Barbara Triathlon 2015
LATC flying the colors strong!

Ironman Boulder 2015
LATC takes 1st Place!!

Mucho Gusto Ride - Mt. Baldy July 4th 2015
Thanks Jeff Gusto for putting this together for LATC! We had an Epic day of climbing and fun!

Redondo Beach Triathlon 2015
Redondo Beach Triathlon 2015 Part of the the Tri Club Championship Series

First Thursday - February 2015
Shangri-La Hotel

YEP-Beach Edition
LA Tri Club's Year End Party - At the Beach