Read Will Westwater's tri journey...

How did you hear about LA Tri Club?
Google Search. Good SEO!
What got you interested in triathlon?
A couple of years ago my uncle gave me his road bike and I figured I might as well give it a try! I swam in college so I felt like 1/3 of the race was already taken care of.
What was your first Triathlon (or the first one you might be training for currently)?  Tell us all about it!!
 Not training for any currently, but I've done the Malibu Olympic Triathlon 4 times: 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2021.

What is your favorite race and why?
Malibu is my favorite and only race I've done. Beautiful and close by!

If you could pick three MUST HAVES / MUST DO'S on race day morning, what are they?
Coffee & an egg sandwich. Then some nervous chit-chat with the other athletes about how nice it's gonna be when it's all over.

Have you been to any LATC events so far? (Friday swims, new member events, group rides, etc?) 
Sunday swim crew is my bread and butter. Good crew. Zuma beach
Do you have any plans for more races in the near future?
 Oh, I'll definitely race again. I just gotta have more oomph to do it! 
What do you do outside of your training? For work, other sports, for fun, etc
I'm an actor. When I'm not training or working I'm cooking, cleaning, or playing video games. 

What has been the most difficult thing for you personally about training for triathlons?
 I've done a lot of training alone. Hopefully, the tri club will help with that!
Do you know anyone else that is currently a member of LATC? If yes, who?!