It's been a long time coming (and it's still not where we want it to be …more on that later), but we're pleased to welcome you to the new home of the LA Tri Club!


It goes without saying that the LA Tri Club wouldn't exist without the internet. Our website is the glue that ties all 1,500 or so members together. Race calendars, training calendars, RSVP's, member profiles, email, library, etc. all provide access to the information needed to have a top-notch club where our members are able to stay not only connected, by highly engaged with one another. Similar to that beater car that you got rid of after college, the former LATC website outlived its' useful life. Not only did the old website run on an antiquated platform ("Cold Fusion" for you techies out there!), but it also became unwieldy to navigate…in fact it never really was very easy to navigate. Essentially, our website was the equivalent to a 1980's era right-hand drive diesel Mercedes, while the rest of the world has moved onto a hybrid Prius. Maybe that's not the greatest analogy, but you get the point…


With the launch of the new LA Tri Club website, we have attempted to address the basics, like upgrading the platform, or foundation. This new and improved foundation will provide the launch pad from which we can build even more robust features in the future. We have also made it easier to navigate – a drastic improvement from our previous website. Among the other features are:

  • Site redesign - New look and feel!
  • Searchable email…yes, finally! Next time you need to know where to get your wetsuit repaired, try searching our email archive first, rather than emailing to the club!

  • Enhanced ecommerce site (launching soon!)

  • Enhanced photo site

  • New training and newbies content section, with links to useful tools and information!!

  • Bike and running route database

  • Member profile that doesn't cut off text!

  • Links that aren't broken!

  • More!!


Ok, before you get overly excited, and before we (LATC Board) pat ourselves on the back, realize that there is still work to be done. We've created a new framework, but in some cases the content is perhaps a bit thin and well be adding to the content in the near-term. Note also that, as with many new websites, you may encounter bugs. In the event you do, please help us exterminate them by sending an email to with the details of what you encountered, a copy of the URL that you were on when you encountered the bug, what computer / operating system / browser you are using.


In case you are wondering what will happen to all of the content you've added on the existing website (member spotlight, library article, race plans, race results, etc.), rest assured that that data has been migrated to the new site. Should you run into an issue, please send toÂ


Finally, as indicated above, there are many new features that we'd like to add to this site. Unfortunately our vision is larger than our available resources – both financial, and time – and we won't be able to add all the cool bells and whistles as quickly as we'd like, but rest assured that we have a list of cool features that we will continue to roll into the site after this initial launch. Please direct any enhancements you'd like to see to with a description of the enhancement. It may very well already be on our list of future enhancements, but you never know. We can't think of everything, so we welcome your input!


Thanks for everyone who has had a hand in the development of our new website! It’s been somewhat overwhelming, made even more overwhelming by those darn limited resources (yep, time and $$) to make it happen. Thanks also to our web developers – Belay Development ( led by all around nice guy Chris Lohman for working with us patiently and professionally to build this new website.


Thanks to everyone for your continued support of the LA Tri Club.  Welcome Home!


LA Tri Club Board

Paul, Brian, Liz, Mike, Gary, and Larry

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