Zuma 8:30am Sunday Swim
Come out and enjoy our 'crown jewel' of Los Angeles open water swimming at beautiful Zuma Beach!
For Intermediate and Advanced swimmers. If you're new to ocean swimming, please attend a beginner swim clinic. Check out the LA Tri Club website for beginner workshops.
You need to be able to swim 400 yards comfortably in the ocean, without instruction or accompaniment.
There are no trained lifeguards leading -- this is a 'swim at your own risk' workout. Wear a bright swim cap. We usually swim 1 mile, but some go 0.5, 1.5 miles, or 2 miles -- your choice.
We meet at 8:15 on the boardwalk between the last bathroom building(#9) and lifeguard tower 15.
Parking: In parking lot...or (free) on side of road. WATCH FOR TOWAWAY ZONES.
NOTE: **This swim is strictly at YOUR own risk**
- Swim
June 16, 2024 -
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Weekly event on Sundays
June 05, 2024 - Oct 24, 2024 -
Start Time:
08:30am -
Intermediate Advanced -
Malibu - Members & guests
Mo Geller -