Playa Thursday Morning Run
Playa Thursday Morning Run Group. 5:50ish meeting and at 6AM sharp we are running. Rain (Within Reason) or Shine.
Lets face it running early in the morning can be Cold, Dark, and sometimes Wet. Thus making it hard to get out of bed, group accountability is a good thing.
The workouts will be typically be formatted based up the time of year and periodized (Nov - Jan EZ and relatively short, August Intense and longer since we will be in the heart of race season). We will do Hill Repeats, Intervals, Foundation Run. Workout specifics will be sent by Wednesday evening via the group Facebook page. Not recommended for beginners, unless you start out with us in November
- Run
November 11, 2021 -
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Weekly event on Thursdays
November 11, 2021 - Nov 10, 2022 -
Start Time:
06:00am -
LMU - Members & guests
Peter Brantley -
Email: -