How to Understand the Real Sources of Your Stress (beyond the quarantine), Ask for Help & Start Building a Gameplan to Triumph.
If you’ve reached the point of bursting from the uncertainty and fear surrounding you… you’re not alone. The same pressure that drives you to become a high achiever, athlete, leader and influencer is the very same that will knock you on your ass. Add to that the pandemic that literally pulled the rug out from underneath us all.
• Has your “A” Game left the building---lost focus, confidence, creativity, your sense of humor?
• Are health issues worsening: depression, insomnia, unbalanced hormones, weight, allergies, pain?
• Do you end days feeling like you barely made a dent in your pile of work or a real difference?
• Is something not clicking between you & your: sweetheart, coworkers, friends, family anymore?
You’re living pent up in your home. Struggling with pent up emotions and anxieties. Who would have thought we’d be here today? STRESS is probably at its peak right now, invading all areas of your life. So how can you make sense of it all? You talk about it! This workshop is geared to tackle the stress affecting your body, mind, family, career, relationships & society. Welcome to this guided open discussion --created to raise your awareness, get things off your chest, gain some advice, and start working smarter, thinking clearer, feeling healthier, and living happier.
1. Recognize & face the SYMPTOMS of stress: Physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual
2. Identify the real STRESSORS that cause stress & learn how to eliminate, avoid or accept them
3. 1 Simple + memorable STRATEGY to manage and ultimately eliminate specific obstacles
- Meeting / Social Event
April 24, 2020 -
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1-time event (non-weekly) -
Start Time:
04:00pm -
Beginner Intermediate Advanced -
Other - Everyone
Paul Hekimian -