Crum Pier to Pier Swim Training
The Crum Pier to Pier Swim, a 2 mile open water ocean swim, is a race that every Club member should do at least once, or annually as Mike tries to do.
Mike will be swimming the course for the next two Saturday's to get used to the water, currents and swimming around the pier, basically getting into my Pier 2 Pier Swim Zone. He plans to swim 1.5 miles on Sunday, July 14 and then 1.75 miles on Sunday, July 21. Join Mike for this open water swim workout.
Please RSVP at if you plan attend either one or both Sundays so I know how many members will be attending. You can call me if you have any issues on the mornings of our swim practice.
Swim Note: This open water swim is for members who are beginners to experts but you must be comfortable and competent ocean swimming at a distance of 1.5 miles or longer.
Race Note: If you have not done the Crum P2P Swim before or you didn't swim in 2018, you must complete the swim check-out on either July 13, 20, or 21 from 9-11am. Visit the Dwight Crum Pier to Pier website for more information and to register.
At 8:10am we will make our way to the north side of the Manhattan Beach Pier to drop our bags near the ocean and walk down to our starting point. There will be many of the MB swim regulars also gathering so please find Mike. He will plan to stand on the north side of the pier.
Parking: There are many lots in Downtown Manhattan Beach to park in. Mike normally parks in lot #9, The Metlox Underground Structure accessible via Valley or Morningside Drives. See the link below for more information.
Crum Pier to Pier Race Information
See you at the MB pier!
Mike Andrulis
- Swim
July 21, 2019 -
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Weekly event on Sundays
July 13, 2019 - Jul 21, 2019 -
Start Time:
08:00am -
Beginner Intermediate Advanced -
Manhattan Beach - Members Only
Michael Andrulis -
Email: -