Superseal Triathlon (Olympic)
Race with the Navy Seals in triathlon's birthplace. The Superseal Olympic triathlon and the Seal Sprint sprint triathlon are are held on the same day. The Superseal athletes begin in earlier swim waves, followed by the Seal Sprint athletes, and both groups race on the same course on the same day. Superseal Olympic This much-loved local race takes place on Coronado, California's famous Silver Strand State Beach. It is an International/Olympic distance event, offering the perfect race for beginners and seasoned triathletes looking for a challenge in heart of triathlon's historic birthplace. The course features a 1,500-meter swim in the Silver Strand State Beach Bay. The swim will be a calm bay swim. The water temperature will average 58 degrees. (Wetsuits are recommended.) The bike course will be a flat and fast 40K bike course that will consist of two loops on Hwy 75. The run course is one out-and-back loop covering a 10K course on a dirt trail. Originally from:
- Race - Triathlon
March 19, 2017 -
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1-time event (non-weekly) -
Start Time:
06:00am -
Beginner Intermediate Advanced -
San Diego - 5 Attendees
- Everyone
Ironman Corp. -
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