Tri Transition Clinic and workout
In preparation for Breath Of Life on June 26th I’ve planned an awesome seminar and specific race day workout for you in Santa Monica on Sunday June 19th. Note this is also Father’s Day.
There will be 3 parts to our seminar: OPEN WATER SWIM: You need to be able to swim 400 yards comfortably in the ocean without instruction or accompaniment. There are no trained lifeguards or coaches leading, therefore this is a “swim at your own risk” workout. Wear a bright swim cap (not white or dark color). NOTE this swim is strictly at your own risk.
RACE DAY MENTAL PREP: Immediately following the swim I’ll review how to set up your race morning for a great race through mental and physical preparation. Depth of discussion will depend on how many attendees are new to triathlon.
TRANSITION DRILLS: Rarely do we have the opportunity to work specifically on our transitions. It’s not just the time spent in transition but the way we ease ourselves into the next phase of the race that counts. It’s so important to be confident with these skills and work on them the week before a race. After discussing variations of set up I’ll critique a few people and then we will partner up and drill our transitions until it feels natural. This should take us to around 11AM. Even if you are not racing in Ventura, this seminar will prepare you for other races this season. Please bring everything you plan to use on race day. Wear the clothes you plan to race in, race belt, visor, sunglasses, watch/computer, nutrition, towel, clothing layers.
I estimate that the seminar portion will start no later than 9:30, giving you ample time to rinse off, return to your car and grab your gear for the seminar portion. I plan to locate a picnic table area near our swim to set up bikes and gear for the transition practice.
Go to the polls and RSVP at:
If you have any questions please contact me directly at Please take down my cell phone 917-292-2069 should you have any questions morning of seminar. Look forward to seeing you!
Carla Weier
- Clinic
June 19, 2016 -
Add to Calendar:
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1-time event (non-weekly) -
Start Time:
08:00am -
Beginner Intermediate -
Santa Monica - Members Only
Carla Weir -