Zuma 8:30am Sunday Swim
For Intermediate and Advanced swimmers. If you're new to ocean swimming, before you swim please attend a Beginner swim clinic. Check out the LA Tri Club website for beginner workshops.
You need to be able to swim 400 yards comfortably in the ocean, without instruction or accompaniment. There are no trained lifeguards leading -- this is a 'swim at your own risk' workout. Wear a bright swim cap (not white or dark colors). A swimming wetsuit is required in colder seasons. The majority usually swim 1 mile, but some go 0.5, 1.5 miles, or 2 miles -- your choice. No swimming alone ... you must be accompanied by an experienced swim buddy.
Gather 10 mins. before 8:30am at bathroom #9 , the most western one on the Zuma strip. Then we walk or run down the beach south the distance you want to swim. Swim out past the surf and then swim back, keeping tabs on those swimming near us.
The water must be at least 58 degrees F, or we won't be hosting the swim as a rule. If it rains significantly within 1-3 days of our swim, the swim may be cancelled due to water quality. Also, if dangerous current conditions prevail, we do not advise swimming.
Parking: In parking lot...or (free) on side of road. WATCH FOR TOWAWAY ZONES.
NOTE: **This swim is strictly at YOUR own risk
- Swim
December 18, 2016 -
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Weekly event on Sundays
June 12, 2016 - Dec 17, 2017 -
Start Time:
08:30am -
Intermediate Advanced -
Malibu - Members & guests
Nancy Johnston -