Using training Data ???Analyze it!
“What do I do with all my training data besides saving it for the data apocalypse?".... Analyze it!
Come to TriFit Santa Monica to learn more about your training and racing data and what it all means. Learn how to cut training times and get faster with less chance of injuries.
WHO? Coach Cliff of TriStar Athletes here, are you collecting data and are unsure what your going to do with it? We can help put it all in context : )
WHAT? to help you dive into your training and data to get more insight and less paralysis by analysis! Bring your devices, logs and data for us to dissect and learn.
WHERE AND WHEN? Monthly and this Wednesday 7/14/16 we will be meeting at TriFit Santa Monica 6-8pm, or you can watch “live broadcast” via video feed on Facebook.
Topics Include; -Heart rate charting and distribution -What is Training Stress? -How can I determine my FTP? What is my FTP? -How do i determine if I am stronger cardiovascularly or I need more muscular endurance? -What is intensity factor? -What is Normalized Power? -How will I know if I can hit my goal times in my upcoming races? What is the specificity I am needing? -How can I tell if I am over or under training? -What is the performance management chart? Why do i care? -How to apply your data towards upcoming races and training. -All time bests looking at your data. -Applying data to your season planning. -Any and all other burning questions when it comes to data overload!
Please go to the polls and RSVP or just stop by or watch live on FB.
Looking forward to getting datalytical with all of you soon ; )
- Clinic
July 14, 2016 -
Add to Calendar:
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1-time event (non-weekly) -
Start Time:
06:30pm -
Beginner Intermediate Advanced -
Santa Monica - Everyone
Coach Cliff Scherb -
Email: -