Tiki Swim
Hey Gang, Come do the most fun swim in So. Cal, The Tiki Swim....
The TikiSwim consists of two distances, 2.4 miles and 1.2 miles. The 2.4 mile course is a mass beach start from the south side of the Oceanside Pier @ 7:30. It is the swim equivalent to "cutting the corners". The finish line is located at the top of the boat launch ramps.
The 1.2 mile course is also a mass beach start @ 8:00. The start is directly across from the harbor finish line, so this course is an exaggerated "U-turn". From that point on, the courses are identical. Once at the finish there are two finishing chutes. One for all wetsuit swimmers and one for all traditional swimmers. The TIKISwim awards both wetsuit and traditional divisions equally yet separately.
Tiki swim has great finisher SWAG. Each finisher receives a custom trucker hat designed specifically for that year, a hand woven finisher lei, a unique finisher TIKI(new this year) and a pancake breakfast or breakfast burrito.
Tiki swim is also a family friendly event venue. There are over 400 vendors for shopping, eating and a kid's zone for playing.
Early pricing 1/4 to 7/31: 2.4 mile =79.95 / 1.2 mile= 59.95 Standard 8/1 to 9/7: 2.4 mile=89.95 / 1.2 mile= 69.95 Procrastinators pricing 9/8 to 9/23: 2.4 mile=99.95 / 1.2 mile=74.95
The TikiSwim offers full refunds up until Wednesday 9/21/2016 provided you paid the $ 7.95 fee for cancellation insurance during the registration. See more information on the registration page.
- Race - Swim
September 25, 2016 -
Add to Calendar:
iCal® -
1-time event (non-weekly) -
Start Time:
07:30am -
Intermediate Advanced -
San Diego - 5 Attendees
- Everyone
Brian Long -
info@tikiswim.com -