Other Workout Event

TriFit G.U.T (Group Underground Training)

Instructor: Jed GUT (Group Underground Training) is unlike anything else at TriFit. It combines strength training and metabolic workouts to achieve optimum results. Using our brand new 640 sq. ft. facility, you will work closely with your trainer, Jed, and up to 5 other GUTTERS to get a truly unique and amazing workout! **G.U.T. is a fee based workout session; Free Demos available. Call to reserve your spot. 310-829-2227.

We are located in the Colorado Center TriFit Club and Studios - P3 Level Squash Courts 2425 Colorado Ave Suite 120 Santa Monica, CA 90401 *Enter parking garage, pull a parking ticket and be sure to bring it with you to get it validated at the TriFit front desk. Then proceed to the P3 Level where the GUT workout area and Squash Courts are located.
  • OtherWorkout
  • Date:
    April 13, 2015
  • Add to Calendar:

  • Frequency:
    1-time event (non-weekly)
  • Start Time:
  • Level:
    Beginner Intermediate Advanced
  • Where:
    Santa Monica
  • Members Only