Sirens & Titans Fitness Men's Only Focus Group - F
S&TF is conducting a FREE Men’s Only Focus Group.
This FREE focus group is only available for men who have never tried any program at S&TF, either as a member, free trial or Coaches Workout participant. This is a wonderful opportunity for any man, doesn't matter his current ability or fitness level, to train for two and a half weeks and be coached on eating healthier. Our program is sustainable and will provide the fastest way to increase strength and fitness, as well as body composition. All men know it is necessary but few recognize the urgency.
We are looking for a select group of men who would participate in this no-cost focus group for two and a half weeks in March (3/9 - 3/25). Participants will get the science of training world class athletes and the education on nutrition that will motivate them to make a change.
Feel free to forward this e-mail to your male friends and/or family you know who might be interested in participating in this Men's Only Focus Group. We are interested in people who are interested in changing their lives through a program designed for results.
Qualified Male Participant Focus Group Requirements:
Participation will be free of charge. However, even though it is free to participate in the Focus Group, there will be some requirements and expectations from you: • Participants will receive training 3 times per week, and healthy eating coaching for the duration of the 2 &1/2 week Focus Group. • Participants are required to participate for the duration of the Focus Group. • Participants will participate in an orientation and healthy eating discussion prior to the start of the Focus Group. This orientation will also include a brief individual fitness assessment and ultrasound body comp analysis. • Participants are expected to complete 90% of a minimum of three 30 minute sessions per week. • Participants will be required to keep a daily on-line food journal, for the duration of the Focus Group. • Completion of a final Survey at the end of the Focus Group. Because we have a limited number spots available, we are only interested in participants who can commit 100% to the focus group, and to the above requirements.
Additional details and information will be sent to the selected participants shortly. Do not hesitate to call us at (310) 307-0200 or email to with any questions you may have.
- Clinic
March 09, 2015 -
Add to Calendar:
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1-time event (non-weekly) -
Start Time:
05:45am -
Los Angeles - Members Only
Jens Wallrabe -
Email: -