T3 run with Coach Gareth
The T3 (Thursday Tempo & Technique) run session with Coach Gareth meets every Thursday evening @ 6.30pm at the TRIO performance Lab/ Velocity Sports Club at 11611 San Vicente Boulevard in Brentwood CA 90049. All abilities welcome. We start at 6.30pm prompt with mobility drills and skills indoors then head out in to the VA or along San Vicente for some tempo intervals. Total workout approx. 1 hr. About Gareth........ Over the years, Gareth has been coach & advisor to top endurance athletes including World & National champions in Triathlon, Duathlon & Cycling. He brings elite level coaching & sports science support to age group athletes and their coaches to help everyone reach their true potential. www.coachgareth.com About TRIO ….. TRIO is SoCal's premier sports science facility, offering state of the art analysis services for athletes of all abilities. Services include, Blood Lactate and VO2 testing, swim video and lactate analysis, bike pedal stroke analysis, run technique training, nutrition programs and consulting. www.go2trio.com
- Run
January 8, 2015 -
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Weekly event on Thursdays
January 08, 2015 - Jan 08, 2015 -
Start Time:
06:30pm -
Beginner Intermediate Advanced -
Brentwood - Members Only
Gareth Thomas -
cg@coachgareth.com -