Soaring Spirits Share the Road Ride
In 2007, Philip Hernandez, an avid cyclist, was killed in cycling accident by a motorist. His wife, Michele, was only 34 at the time. She started a foundation to support young widows like herself and 5 years ago, launched the Share The Road Ride. The scenic Simi Valley ride, on Sunday, October 5th, features a 25 mile, 50 mile and century options, with start times at 7, 8 and 9 am The funds raised go to support Camp Widow for widows/widowers under 50 (Kim Hamer, ex-Tri Club member is a young widow), WidowsBond (1:1 widow support) and Widowed Village, an on-line support community for widows and widowers. Being a young widow is a terrifying, lonely and isolating journey (how many young widows do you know?), you can make it less so, simply by registering and riding!
- Other
October 05, 2014 -
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1-time event (non-weekly) -
Start Time:
07:00am -
Beginner Intermediate Advanced -
Other - Everyone
Michelle Hernandez -
Email: -