Women Running Wild 5k
We invite you to join us for the Annual Women Running Wild 5K Run/Walk. This event is about participation, education and motivation. The Jody Klein Breast Cancer Fund was created in memory of event director Greg Klein's sister. This fund provides money for groups that work on breast cancer causes, such as City of Hope. Women Running Wild encourages you to run or walk for those you love who are fighting breast cancer and in memory of those who have lost their battle with this disease. We will have special bibs to write their names on and wear during the race so everyone will know of their courage and sacrifice. We will also have a special “Balloon Release” at the event to pay tribute to those touched by cancer. Bring the kids and the entire family. We have stroller, baby jogger and dog divisions.
- Race - Run
March 23, 2014 -
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1-time event (non-weekly) -
Start Time:
07:00am -
Beginner Intermediate Advanced -
Other - 0 Attendees
- Everyone
Greg Klein -
greg@kleinclarksports.com -