Santa Rosa Marathon
The Santa Rosa Marathon starts on South A Street at Fire Hydrant #54 adjacent to oak studded Juilliard Park. The course snakes 1.8 miles through the city streets in the heart of downtown Santa Rosa before entering the Prince Memorial Greenway for a 5.5 mile trek that gently meanders along the paved path next to all the beauty surrounding the Santa Rosa Creek. During this section runners will cross three picturesque rustic trestle bridges spanning the waterway dotted with wildlife (snowy egrets and great white herons), and pass three sprawling vineyards, deep green flowing corn fields, a horse ranch and a milk dairy. The following 12 mile loop, all on closed paved roads (except for 1.5 miles of open road conned bike lanes), features the solitude of rural Sonoma County with its sporadic homes, large open spaces nestled with majestic oaks and numerous quaint, niche wineries and scenic vineyards. A special and memorable treat waits at mile nine as the marathon treks across the beautiful Deloach Vineyard and Winery grounds and actually passes through one of its colorful wine barrel and fermenting rooms. At mile 19.3 miles the marathon reenters the northern Greenway path and returns 6.9 miles along the same starting section (except for an additional nine tenths mile loop) of the Santa Rosa Creek to Juilliard Park and the finish line on South A Street. There are a few minor rolling hills around mile 11 and mile 16.5. Otherwise the course is flat and fast and should still produce an extremely high percentage of Boston qualified runners. The highest elevation is 174 ft above sea level and 64 ft above at its lowest spot. It’s an imperceptible 100 feet of change during 26.2 miles, which is almost as flat as it gets. Except for a nine-tenths mile hard pack (fast as pavement) loop at mile 21 and a few hundred feet on the Deloach Winery grounds at mile nine, the marathon is on paved roads and pathways.
- Race - Run
August 25, 2013 -
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1-time event (non-weekly) -
Start Time:
06:00am -
Beginner Intermediate Advanced -
NoCal - 1 Attendee
- Everyone
Orhan Sarabi -
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