Sun Zuma Unorganized Swim & Bike
Sunday's at Zuma...
Nancy is out of town and I'm taking the lead...if you're in for the Zuma swim this Sunday. Should be a comfortable 69 on Sunday with a water temp of 60 degrees!
Please go to the LA TriClub website and look for "Zuma Sunday Unorganized Swim" on this page:
We'll be leaving for the swim at 8am, please start milling around 7:45am. See below for details.
Here are a few guidelines for our swim:
1) Don't swim out in groups larger than 9
2) Don't put your stuff near lifeguard tower #14
3) Remember that this is not an organized group swim.
As I'll be up there, anyone up for a brick workout and ride out to Deer Creek Road (24miles) or Big Rock (33 miles), please bring your bike along. If you just want to bike, then we'll meet you about 9AM.
Call or text me with any questions.
Best wishes,
Mike Andrulis
cell: 310.569.0351 (Note: my new CA cell number)
Swimming at Zuma on Sundays has never been ore fun! For Members and MemberGuests who are Intermediate and Advanced swimmers. If you're new to ocean swimming, before you swim please attend an Ocean 101 class on Wednesdays in
Santa Monica, or one of the other Beginner's Swims listed on the LA Tri Club calendar. You need to be able to swim 400 yards comfortably in the ocean, without instruction or accompaniment.
We are swimming in unorganized groups of 9 or less, so you must RSVP on in the Polls/RSVP section. If an LA County lifeguard asks if you are swimming in an organized group, you can honestly tell them no.
Wear a bright swim cap (not white, dark colors, or the LA Tri Club cap if you can help it).
A swimming wetsuit is required in colder seasons. The majority usually swim 1 mile, but some go 0.5, 1.5 miles, or 2 miles -- your choice. Important! No swimming alone ... you must be accompanied by an experienced swim buddy.
For the 8am suggested time, we usually begin milling about around 7:45am at Zuma Beach Restroom #9 - the farthest one north (Guernsey Ave & PCH). If other LATri members happen to be there too, ask if they want to swim with you and then walk or run down the beach south the distance you want to swim (1 mile is HQ back to Lifeguard station #14). We swim out past the surf and then swim back, keeping tabs on those swimming near us. Don't swim alone!
Call (310) 457-9701
begin_of_the_skype_highlighting FREE (310) 457-9701 end_of_the_skype_highlighting for water temp information. The water must be at least 57 degrees F, or we won't be hosting the swim as a rule.
Parking: In parking lot...or (free) on side of road. WATCH FOR TOWAWAY ZONES.
NOTE: **All LA Tri Club calendar and RSVP activities are at YOUR own risk.
- Swim
December 09, 2012 -
Add to Calendar:
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1-time event (non-weekly) -
Start Time:
08:00am -
Intermediate Advanced -
Malibu - Members & guests
Mike Andrulis -