La Jolla Half Marathon
Several bicyclists will lead runners and split times will be announced at each mile marker. The course is clearly marked with traffic cones, chalked arrows and course guides at each questionable turn. Except when otherwise directed by a course guide or police officer, please run as close to the right hand curb as possible. Running outside the cones is a genuine personal safety hazard and could jeopardize the future of this race. You are encouraged to shout at people who are not within the cones. This course has several major hills (up and down) and some areas where footing may be difficult. Runners should use extreme caution in these areas. Significant efforts have been made to reduce any danger to an absolute minimum, however, since the course runs along many streets which carry normal traffic, runners must take more than casual precautions to ensure their safety.
- Race - Run
April 29, 2012 -
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1-time event (non-weekly) -
Start Time:
07:30am -
Beginner Intermediate Advanced -
Other - 2 Attendees
- Everyone
Race Director -