Rio Del Lago 100 Mile Run
The Rio Del Lago 100 miler starts at Beal’s Point in Granite Bay, on Folsom Lake. The course begins on a short out and back South along the bike path then returns back past Beal’s Point (2.26 miles) continues on dirt road for several miles merging onto a single-track trail. This portion of the trail varies from parts that are fairly flat, to rolling. None of the hills are major at this stage, but the accumulative effect is what you need to watch out for. Be very conservative on this part. You may have a hot, hot day ahead of you - hydration could be a key here even more than for most 100-mile races. You will go through aid stations at Twin Rocks (7.03), Horseshoe Bar (13.1) and New Rattlesnake Bar (15.71). After Rattlesnake, you hit the bottom of Cardiac Hill (21.99) and climb up your first significant climb….1.5 miles short but steep. No Hands Bridge, before the K2 hill! Photo courtesy runrgrrl7 via Flickr Cardiac to K-2 At the top Cardiac we have the Maidu aid station waiting for you (23.5) then you will run for several miles along a canal, which is relatively level, and then reach the Auburn Dam Overlook aid station at 25.02 miles, a major place for crews. You then drop down again along single track and then the fire road and join up with the Western States Trail (going backwards) and reach the next aid station at No Hands Bridge (29.36). Soon after this, you leave the Western States trail and take a little sojourn up K-2. Be prepared for this mother and fuel up in anticipation - it is essentially a firebreak with seven false summits. I would approach it on the basis that "you haven't got to the top until you've got to the top" - never anticipate the false area ahead of you as the top! Some parts of it are very steep, but it is nowhere near as long as say, the Westem States climb up Devils Thumb, the Angeles Crest one up to Mt. Wilson, or the Leadville climb up Hope Pass. It can be rather ferocious, however, particularly as things should be heating up by then. But you get it over with relatively quickly, as it is only 1.25-miles although you gain approximately 1,000 feet in elevation. K-2 Out and Back to Auburn Dam Overlook At the top, you go along fire roads across dry meadows to the Cool fire station, the next aid station (and famous for the start/finish of the Way Too Cool race). This is a little less than 4 miles away from No Hands Bridge. Then you are off on a pleasant 5 mile section through dry meadows and woods, some single track and some fire roads, pretty much a rolling hill section with a steep climb about 4.5, miles into it at Knickerbocker Hill (you gain 300 feet in 1/3 mile). At the top is an aid station with the same name (37.89), and then as a respite, a less hilly and short (1.55 mile) section along paved road back to the Cool FS aid station (39.44). Past this you return to No Hands Bridge (42.83) by a different route (you would NOT want to run down K-2 on a 100 miler), much of it along the Western States trail. You follow the Western States trail awhile and then detour away from it to climb back up to the Auburn Dam Overlook aid station (this is just the backward direction of what you ran earlier) at 47.17 miles. Even though it is only 3.94 miles, hydrate well at No Hands and take at least two bottles. We see a fair number of wiped out "runners" coming up here. Heading to the finish line! Photo courtesy rick430 via Flickr Auburn Dam Overlook Back to Cavitt School You then follow the course back to Twin Rocks . Again, you visit aid stations at the bottom of Cardiac Hill (50.19), New Rattlesnake Bar (56.48), Horseshoe Bar (59.08) and Twin Rocks (65.16). The big danger here is always hydration. It can be very hot in this area in September. Two bottles should be the ABSOLUTE minimum when you leave Cardiac aid station. Twin Rocks, back to bottom of Cardiac, then …Finish-Beals Point! When you hit Twin Rocks, retrace your steps to the bottom of Cardiac one more time! This part of the course is so cool that we wanted you to experience it again! Back to Horseshoe (71.23), New Rattlesnake (73.84), Bottom of Cardiac (80.12), now head for home, to New Rattlesnake (86.41), Horseshoe (89.01),
- Race - Run
October 06, 2012 -
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