TriChicks - Barb's Race Training Group
Today is about riding up and down the short hills around the Rose Bowl in preparation for riding the 22-mile Palos Verdes loop next week. If you're already a pro on the hills, you can ride the circuit without stopping to see how many rounds you can go. If you are new to riding hills, we'll use this session to learn a few tactics that Sharon wishes she knew when she started riding hills. We'll go over how to change gears and move from the big chain ring to the small without dropping your chain. We'll learn to climb while seated, and how to stand up when you need that extra bit of get-over-the-top. We'll learn to safely unclip and stand down off the pedals when the uphill riding effort is too hard, and how to start riding again uphill. We will also learn the safest way to descend a hill, where to put your hands, and how to brake safely when you feel you're moving too fast. None of these hills is longer than a quarter-mile or so. When we're done, you can swim at the Rose Bowl pool. Single session swim is $10. Or you can save your swim for tomorrow.
- Bike
March 12, 2011 -
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1-time event (non-weekly) -
Start Time:
08:30am -
- Members Only
Tina Sathoff -