Complimentary Laser Therapy Treatment! Experience the Healing Power of Laser Therapy! SATURDAY, February 12 9AM TO 3PM Appointments guarantee a time; same day walk-ins will be fit in as time allows. Call now! 310-453-1234 Reservations are filling up fast What have you got to lose? Only your pain! Laser therapy is a new and cutting edge treatment that may benefit you. Powerful deep tissue penetration safely and effectively treats more conditions than traditional low level laser therapy • Healing and pain relief with no side effects, drug interaction or invasive surgery. • Treats acute and chronic conditions as well as post surgical pain. • Most treatments take only 10 minutes or less. Conditions Laser Treats: Joint Pain (knee, shoulder, ankle, elbow, etc.), Sprains & Strains; Trigger Points; Acute Injuries/Swelling; Chronic Conditions; Rib Pain; Back & Neck Pain; Arthritis; Carpal Tunnel; Plantar Fasciitis; Skin Wounds & Rashes; Fracture Healing Migraines; Neuropathy & more Are you a potential candidate? • If you have muscle/tendon/ligament or joint pain • If you need Prolotherapy or PRP therapy but are afraid of needles • If you have trigger points that do not go away with rest or therapy • If you have had Prolotherapy or PRP, and wish to accelerate its response • If you have the wound that is slow to heal and has been resistant to treatment So Call NOW for your complimentary treatment Free parking at our building
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February 12, 2011 -
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Santa Monica - Everyone
Peter Fields, MD, DC -
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