Track Workout for LA Marathon
Especially for those of you doing the LA Marathon. Wednesdays, 6:30 PM, Santa Monica High Track, under the stadium lights. Free for all. Till 8:00 PM. Please bring a warm jacket, and something for you to drink, before, during and after. LA Marathon threshold workouts are on the Roadrunner & USA Marathon Training schedules. They run every Wednesday till the LA Marathon, March 20th. Each week the high heart rate portion gets slightly longer and recovery is equally shorter. These are critical workouts to get faster on the LA Marathon by raising your anaerobic threshold. This is our seventh year doing this successful series. About 50+ people are expected again this year. And I get to use my nice, shiny, silver whistle. Three things are needed in order to get faster with any training. 1.) Reasonable flexibility & strength 2.) An aerobic base (low heart rate work), which will enable you to maintain longer durations of training. 3.) Enjoy it. If not, chances are you are missing one of the first two. Group stretch before and after, with a few skills and drills for running form. Have an inspired run! David
- Run
March 16, 2011 -
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Weekly event on Wednesdays
January 12, 2011 - Mar 16, 2011 -
Start Time:
06:30pm -
Intermediate Advanced -
Santa Monica - Everyone
David Levine -