Free Laser Treatment of Sports Injuries
Free Laser Therapy Treatment! Experience the Healing Power of Deep Tissue Laser Therapy! THIS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER THE 20th, 9AM TO 3PM we will be offering a FREE TREATMENT OF LASER THERAPY. Appointments guarantee a time; same day walk-ins will be fit in as time allows. So, call now to reserve your time: 310-453-1234 Reservations are filling up fast Treatment time is only 10 minutes! What have you got to lose? Only your pain! About Laser Therapy Laser therapy is a new and cutting edge treatment that may benefit you. Laser therapy stimulates cellular activity, expediting the healing processes to reduce inflammation and repair damaged tissue. It does this by deep tissue penetration significantly increases the body's cellular production of ATP (Adenosine-triphosphate) to reduce inflammation and heal the inflamed area. Powerful deep tissue penetration safely and effectively treats more conditions than traditional low level laser therapy • Healing and pain relief with no side effects, drug interaction effects, or invasive surgery. • Treats acute and chronic conditions as well as post surgical pain. • Pain relief is felt immediately. • Most treatments take only 10 minutes or less. Are you a potential candidate? • If you have pain that is of musculo-skeletal origin, laser therapy may be for you: This includes sports injuries, back and neck pain, any joint pain (knee, shoulder, ankle, etc), bursitis, tendonitis, tennis elbow, contusions, strains and sprains, carpal tunnel syndrome, chondromalacia patellae, arthritis, fibromyalgia, heel spurs, plantar fascitis, migraine headaches, neck pain/whiplash, nerve root pain, postoperative pain, repetitive stress injuries, TM joint pain and more. •If you have the wound that is slow to heal and has been resistant to treatment, you may be a candidate for laser therapy. This includes slow healing fractures, as well as soft tissue injuries and ulcers. •If you have multiple trigger points (sore spots in the muscles) that do not go away, you may be a candidate for laser therapy. This includes areas associated with fibromyalgia. •If you have had Prolotherapy or PRP, and wish to accelerate the response of healing, you may be a candidate for laser therapy. This includes any area that has been treated with Prolotherapy/PRP injections. •If you need Prolotherapy or PRP therapy but are afraid of needles, you may be a candidate for laser therapy. •Laser therapy stimulates the same areas that Prolotherapy targets. It does it without needles, but requires a lot more time and repeated treatments to gain the result that can be gotten from Prolotherapy and laser together.
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November 20, 2010 -
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Start Time:
09:00am -
Santa Monica - Everyone
Peter Fields A., MD, DC -
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