Los Alamitos Race on the Base Reverse Sprint Triat
Reverse Sprint Triathlon The 30th Annual Los Alamitos Race on the Base will be held on Saturday, February 26, 2011. The City of Los Alamitos, the California National Guard and the Cancer Support Foundation are happy to invite you to participate in the community event. Approximately 6,000 participants, spectators and volunteers attend the event each year. The race is held on the runways at the Joint Forces Training Base in Los Alamitos and features helicopters, planes and military vehicles with music throughout the course. All proceeds will benefit the USA Water Polo National Training Center at the Joint Forces Training Base. The 5K Walk is co-hosted by the Cancer Support Foundation and a portion of the proceeds, generated from the 5K Walk and through race registration, is donated to the organization.
- Race - Triathlon
February 26, 2011 -
Add to Calendar:
iCal® -
1-time event (non-weekly) -
Start Time:
10:30am -
Beginner Intermediate Advanced -
Orange County - 12 Attendees
- Everyone
Race Director -
emoya@ci.los-alamitos.ca.us -