Full Vineman - RELAY
Along with the Full Vineman and Barb's Race there is also be a relay competition. Teams can be made up of 2 or 3 members. Each leg of the event must be completed by one athlete (meaning that two athletes can not do half of the run or half of the bike...). You can sign up as a Relay Team to compete as follows: * Full Ironman Distance - Men, Women or Mixed Teams * Barb's Race - All Women's Half-Ironman Distance Teams Team Relay categories will include the following: Full Vineman Relays - Men combined age of 119 years and under - Men combined age of 120 years and over - Women combined age of 119 years and under - Women combined age 120 years and over - Mixed combined age of 119 years and under - Mixed combined age 120 years and over
- Race - Triathlon
July 31, 2010 -
Add to Calendar:
iCal® -
1-time event (non-weekly) -
Start Time:
06:45am -
Beginner Intermediate Advanced -
NoCal - 2 Attendees
- Everyone
Race Director -
amy@vineman.com -