July First Thursday - Long Beach
We "strategically" meet for a happy hour on the First Thursday of the month, so you have time to recover for your Saturday long ride! Never mind if you are celebrating your 10th anniversary at the club, you are a new member, or if you are still thinking about becoming one: everybody is welcome! Join us and our event sponsor, Generic Events! Let’s “talk Triathlon”, have some appetizers, a drink and best of all, a great time! World famous raffle including specials for Playa Del Run: at 8 o’clock (For members only, based on the RSVP list. Member must be present to win). We will see you there! Cheers! Your Social Committee
- Meeting / Social Event
July 01, 2010 -
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1-time event (non-weekly) -
Start Time:
06:30pm -
Beginner Intermediate Advanced -
Long Beach - Everyone
Anneka Sakovich & Lisa Cheney -