June First Thursday - Marina Del Rey
Join your LA Tri mates and Generic Events at our June First Thursday and let’s celebrate the beginning of Summer together! We got a package of good reasons for you: - Generic Events is organizing this happy hour with us. Besides the pleasure of their company, there is going to be amazing XTerra and Playa Del Run swag, including race entries! - Lauren McVey-Harsch, the author of the “How to Date a Triathlete” will be at our event signing and selling books. She is married to a triathlete and know better than anybody what that means, the book also covers stories of some of our members! For more information click on http://howtodateatriathlete.com/ also on Facebook. - Meet your buddies, grab a bite and have a drink. Oh, did I forget to mention, the ocean view?
- Meeting / Social Event
June 03, 2010 -
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1-time event (non-weekly) -
Start Time:
06:30pm -
Beginner Intermediate Advanced -
Other - Everyone
Renata D Angelo -