Kid Friendly Workouts
Summer Saturdays & Sundays - Presented by F2 Saturdays - Looking for a place to bring your kids while you do your long rides. Meet us at the park and leave them with w/ O2 MAX for a fun morning of games, activities, nature, food and fun! Sundays- Meet at the O2 MAX Studio while you get your core/strength/interval workout on and we workout w your kids! Starting May 1st: SATURDAYS: 7:30-9 drop kids off for outdoor activities 9-10:30 Yoga-Balance 10:30-12 lunch + nutrition at Whole Foods, followed by parent pick-up and shopping Perks: * Cheaper than babysitting & childcare * This is your time to do your long bike ride, run or yoga class while your child stays active with other kids and learns a healthy way to spend a Saturday morning! Then meet your child for lunch + do your grocery shopping afterward @ Whole Foods. * Cost effective, efficient & FUN! * Work out w other parents through LA Tri Club or YogaWorks SUNDAYS: 10-11 or 11-12 (based on popular demand) O2 MAX has been approved through the SMMUSD as an alternative to PE! O2 MAX is a brand focused on addressing the unmet fitness needs of teenagers, college students and kids. Unlike others in the fitness industry, O2 MAX offers a compelling, effective, and fun offering of fitness services and products designed specifically for the younger generation. O2 MAX has a portfolio of products for kids ranging in ages 2 to early 20s. With the ability to successfully connect with its target demographic, O2 MAX is recognized as a leader in youth fitness as demonstrated by the media coverage received for the relationships and programs implemented to date: Prom Fit, College Fitness, Family Fitness, MAX Racing and after school programs. All programs leverage the use of social media to engage youth in real world fitness activities to promote healthier, more active, teen and young adult lifestyles. Our partners: K-Swiss, Whole Foods, YogaWorks & LA Tri Club COST: SATURDAYS: $50 for the day for F2/LA Tri members / $60 for non members (includes lunch, activities, supervision and snacks) SUNDAYS: $25 members/$30 for non members (includes 2 people, $10 each extra person) Kids ages 3-10 welcome! *ask about other O2 MAX programs for kids 11-17 For more contact info: 310.867.1650
- OtherWorkout
June 12, 2010 -
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Weekly event on Saturdays
May 15, 2010 - Aug 30, 2010 -
Start Time:
07:30am -
Beginner Intermediate Advanced -
Santa Monica - Everyone
KJ -
Email: -