Swim Event

Ocean Speed Circuit

Weekly ocean swim consisting of loops around a buoy and a short sand run. Buoy is ~250 yards off shore, and we put two cones in the sand ~100 yards apart. This triangle forms the "circuit". Typical day at The Circuit has over 100 swimmers ranging in ability from extremely slow to Kona-bound professionals. Everyone is welcome provided they are comfortable in the ocean environment and capable of swimming about 500 yards without stopping. Please click on the link to read a complete summary of the workout and important FAQ's before contacting me! I've answered every question in the book before and most of those answers are included! Hope you'll join us. Konrad

OceanPark, Santa Monica, where Ocean Park Blvd. meets Barnard Way. Here's a map link that shows where we park, walk out to the water's edge and then swim our circuits: http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=1773243 o Directly adjacent to the parking area towards the beach are two concrete restroom structures. Between then is a wooden boardwalk that leads out to the sand. Directly out from that boardwalk is Lifeguard Tower 26. That's where we start. Or just look for 100 people in wetsuits.
  • Swim
  • Date:
    July 22, 2009
  • Add to Calendar:

  • Frequency:
    Weekly event on Wednesdays
    April 22, 2009 - Sep 23, 2009
  • Start Time:
  • Level:
    Beginner Intermediate Advanced
  • Where:
    Santa Monica
  • Everyone