Fix YOur Joints Without Surgery!
FIX YOUR JOINT PAIN WITHOUT SURGERY FREE PUBLIC LECTURE: Wednesday October 29, 2008 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. SPORTS INJURIES, JOINT PAIN & ARTHRITIS CAN PROLOTHERAPY HELP? Do you have injuries that won’t heal? Do you have joint or ligament pain? Do you have arthritic joints? Then maybe Prolotherapy is for you! Prolotherapy is a natural non-surgical method of assisting the body to heal injured or weakened joints, ligaments and tendons. These areas are injected to stimulate the growth of healthy, strong tissues. As the tendons and ligaments grow stronger and vibrant, the pain is alleviated. Peter A. Fields, MD, DC ( is one of a handful of physicians in the nation with both medical and chiropractic degrees. Plus he is a seven time Half Ironman finisher. Dr Fields combines state-of-the-art holistic therapies with Orthopedic/Sports Medicine and Integrative Medicine. Come to this exciting and informative lecture. Find out the latest treatment for those nagging aches, pains and injuries that have been plaguing you. Start getting better today! Peter A. Fields, MD, DC Board Certified Medical Physician and Chiropractor Prolotherapy/Sports Medicine/Holistic Medicine 2020 Broadway, Suite A Santa Monica, CA 90404 (310) 453-1234 Fax: (310) 453-1363 e-mail:
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October 29, 2008 -
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Start Time:
07:00pm -
Beginner Intermediate Advanced -
Santa Monica - Everyone
Peter Fields, MD, DC -
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