4 Week SWIM Clinic
The TRIATHLETIX coaches have created a comprehensive and exciting swim program designed to take you to a new level in swimming. Over the 4 weeks you will master the fundamentals of swim drills, learn how to perfect your swim stroke, and learn how to build your own progressive workouts and peak for your competitions. Initial video capture and review will be used to help participants analyze swim form and technique. During the weeks of your clinic, you will receive motivating take-home written workouts, and the Triathletix "Swimming for Triathletes" DVD and more! Upon completion of the clinic, a second video capture and review will be analyzed and provided to each participant via email. Limited to 12 participants!! GO to Polls/RSVP for more detailed information!
- Clinic
March 26, 2008 -
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Weekly event on Wednesdays
March 05, 2008 - Mar 26, 2008 -
Start Time:
07:30pm -
Beginner Intermediate Advanced -
Santa Monica - Everyone
Carlyn Hinds -