Mo Geller
PCH 101 Ride LeaderOne of Mo Geller's favorite things to do is lay in his hammock and watch the grass grow....
When Mo is not in his hammock, you will find him leading LATC's PCH 101 on Saturday mornings. His enthusiasm gets newbies and "oldbies" to Big Rock, the Strawberry Stand, through the canyons, and just enjoying the cruise alongside the beautiful ocean.
You’ll find Mo doing "bricks" later on Saturday afternoons as he leads valley runs at Balboa Park in Encino for whomever wants to join.
Hands down, it’s Mo's passion for racing, workouts, volunteering, and making everyone truly feel comfortable and part of the club that earned him the 2013 title of LATC Member of the Year.
Outside of LATC and work, Mo loves to surf -sometimes, he will have already gone surfing prior to the PCH 101 ride!; add to that, he also lives to hike, backpack, travel, read, learn whatever he can about whatever there is to learn, and grow "stuff" in his garden, including veggies, pomegranates, oranges and lemons.
If it's Saturday, you know where to find Mo!