Members Only Event

How Genetics Can Dictate Your Current Reality, Type of Therapy and Keys to Prevention

There’s nothing more aggravating to an athlete than an injury, especially one that just keeps coming back! Well, what if you learned that your DNA is partially responsible? Here’s a unique opportunity to listen and engage with the science experts and elite athletes of AxGen, a California-based think tank lab whose bleeding-edge genetic testing technology reveals how your DNA markers and living environments predispose or are connected to injury.

Joining the AxGen panel are fellow specialists in physical therapy and injury recovery to help decipher genetic insights, detail effective current care, and advise post-injury maintenance and at-home prevention.

Get ready for a complete perspective shift! Walk away with a clear grasp of how an empowering science-based gameplan to discover, recover and avoid injuries will help you to train smarter and play harder. 

Dr. Mike Venezia, DC, CSCS, Chief Biomechanist & Bioanalyst, Addaday

LATC members can RSVP here and directly add the event to ical. If you’re not a member yet- stop waiting! Join today and participate in this eye-opening virtual panel event.  Click here to join LA Tri Club.