Swim Workouts Coached by Stu McDougal are back!!  Every Thursday evening at the Plunge.

Get ready for your season early and make your swim a priority. Learn to swim any distance at your race pace. Discover ways to increase your speed without blowing up in the water using some metrics: stroke length, turnover rate and perceived exertion.

Simulating open water conditions, swimming in crowd, remaining comfortable in chaos, drafting, passing, being passed, turning buoys and sighting/breathing. Also learn and practice how to recover quickly if you get kicked or anxiety creeps in. Be race ready and mentally prepared for your first/next open water swim and triathlon.

Maybe most important, build camaraderie, team spirit, meet new friends, and discover a whole new support system.

All swim levels welcome and encouraged. Please RSVP so we know how many will be attending. This is an LA Tri Club Members Only workout.

You can contact Coach Stu at: stuart@mindbodyandswim.com, with any questions you may have.