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Hello LA TriClub folks from Sharon McNary --

With gas prices so high this summer, I'll be putting the miles on my bike and running shoes rather than my car as I train for sprint-distance triathlons closer to my Pasadena home. Why don't you join me?

I'll be leading beginner-friendly Sprint distance training workouts on Sunday mornings at various fun locations in the San Gabriel Valley.

Experienced athletes with longer race goals are welcome, and we'll tap their expertise, while using a training plan and extra TLC that is geared toward newer triathletes.

We'll start July 13 and build up to Pumpkinman, where (no pressure!) we'll represent the club in the 2008 USAT National Tri Club Championships in Las Vegas, NV on October 18.

Our Sunday workouts will be posted on the Tri Club calendar. Location and content of each week's workout will be posted at least one week in advance.

We'll have runs and rides at the Rose Bowl and Griffith Park, flat rides on the San Gabriel River Bike Path, bike climbs on Angeles Crest Highway and Glendora Mountain Road, and swim-bike bricks at Bonelli Park or the Santa Fe Dam Recreation area. We'll also throw in some quick sessions on how to set up your transition area, how to set up your bike for racing, how to change a flat, some good basics.

We will build a base starting July 13 for about a month, then follow the Triathletix 10-week Sprint course training plan that starts Aug. 11, adjusting the weekend workouts to put the longer workouts on Sunday so we can do them together.

Meanwhile, add these to your to-do list:

1) Download your free sprint training program from Triathletix

You enter a credit card number, but use the discount code KEBKEB to get the free program.

2) Register for Pumpkinman Sprint Triathlon

3) E-mail me at so I can answer your questions and get you on the weekly e-mail list.

4) Check the training calendar for "Sunday SGV Sprint Training" for times and places.

I'll see you out there,

Sharon McNary